Spinal Fusion

What is Spinal Fusion?

Spinal Fusion surgery is a safe and simple form of spine surgery where surgery is performed by Spinal surgeon, Spine specialist, and Spine doctor for unstable and painful spine segment to reduce pain.

What is the reason that Spinal Fusion is needed in Spine Surgery?

Spinal Fusion is needed in patients who have pain in spine (back pain or neck pain) due to painful and unstable segments of spine. Spinal fusion brings stability thereby relieving pain from the instability causing symptoms.

What is the cause of instability in spine requiring Spinal Fusion?

Instability in spine is said to happen when there is increased and abnormal movement in spinal bones. Instability can be caused due to various reasons.

  • Spondylolisthesis (slip of one bone over another resulting in pinch of nerves and causing back pain, leg pain, buttock pain, numbness in legs while walking).
  • Spinal Stenosis (Compression of nerves in spine due to degeneration).
  • Spinal Tuberculosis – (SpineTB) – destruction of disc between spinal bones results in instability.
  • Spinal Infection – destruction of disc between spinal bones results in instability.
  • Spinal Trauma – Injury to bones resulting into Spinal bone instability.

How is spinal Fusion done in spine instability? What is done to treat instability in spine?

 To stabilize the instability in Spine, the spinal surgeon / spine specialist needs to reduce the movement at unstable (increased abnormal movement) spine bones. This is achieved by inserting implants in spine after thorough removal of diseased or degenerated disc material (discectomy – removal of diseased and degenerated disc). The surgeon removes part of or complete disc and puts bone graft in disc space. This is then supplemented with spinal pedicle implants (Titanium Spinal Implants) and cages in the disc space. This procedure is called spinal fusion surgery. 

When is Spinal Fusion required?

Commonly performed for spinal instability due to spondylolisthesis, spinal tuberculosis, spinal stenosis. spinal trauma, and spinal tumors. Spinal fusion is performed for adjacent segment disease in lumbar spine or thoracic spine.


How is Spinal Fusion surgery performed?

Spinal Fusion surgery can be performed with two different techniques

  • Conventional open spine surgery
  • Minimally invasive spine surgery or MIS surgery


What are the advantages of Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion surgery?

Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion also called as Minimal Invasive Transforminal Interbody fusion or MIS-TLIF or MIS procedure with plenty of benefits


  • Extremely safe, small percutaneous incisions, less pain, less blood loss, less infection, smaller incisions, early return from hospital, no need of bed rest after surgery are a few obvious advantages.

Commonly asked questions about Spinal Fusion

Is Spinal Fusion procedure safe?

Yes. Spinal fusion surgery is a time-tested and proven technique very corgi extremely successful.

Is it safe to put / insert metallic implants in spine during spine fusion?

Yes. Spinal fusion surgery is an extremely safe and simple procedure with no major side effect and has been performed safely from more than  4 decades with predictable results. The spinal implants used for spinal fusion surgery are made of titanium, which is an insert, metal and extremly safe for human body. When spinal implant, spine screw plate, screw plate in spine is inserted Intra open robotics in spine surgery to make sure surgery is safe for patients. Risk involved in spine fusion surgery is less then 1 percent.

Does my spine get stiff after spine fusion? Will i be able to bend after fusion surgery?

The spine after spinal fusion surgery doesn’t become stiff to prevent norms walking, running, bending, lifting weights, stair climbing is possible after spine fusion surgery and rehabilitation.

What is spinal fusion surgery for Spinal Stenosis?

Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is safe and simple. Spinal fusion is not required in all cases of spinal stenosis. Spinal fusion is required in patients when there is instability with spinal stenosis – when painful mobility is present apart from nerve compression between the vertebrae. The surgery is aimed at  decompression of nerves and reducing the mobility at that segment. It’s especially helpful in cases where one or more vertebrae has slipped forward-spondylolisthesis.

What is spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis – slipping of one vertebrae forward in relation to other, which makes spine unstable and painful due to pinch of nerves causing pain – back pain, buttock pain, leg pain, numbness in legs while movement and walking.

What is the advise before Spinal Fusion Surgery?

Meet your doctor and know more about your problem, possible solutions and pro’s and con’s of all the solutions including surgery offered to you.

  • Plan your hospital stay and discuss discharge plan with the doctor
  • Maintain Good nutrition for healthy immune system
  • Eat a balanced diet and take a vitamin supplement
  • Weak muscles and low cardiovascular endurance prolong recovery from surgery. Get your lungs and heart checked up by a physician, in consultation with your surgeon to get surgical fitness.
  • Back pain can make losing weight or weight maintenance a challenge. If you are overweight, it is a good idea to slim down before/after your surgery.
  • Quit smoking to prevent prolonged recovery and wound healing
How fast is the recovery from surgery for Spinal Fusion?

Minimally invasive spine surgery leads to fast recovery and makes patient walking after surgery within 24 hours. Infact in minimally invasive surgery and micro-endoscopic surgery and minimally invasive spinal fusion results in early return to work without any need of bed rest after surgery. After surgery patient is mobilized out of bed within 24 hours, and pain medications are continued for 5 days. After the surgery, general do’s and don’ts instructions are given about. With Minimally Invasive spine surgery patient can go home within 48 hrs. and can resume job within 2 weeks however contact sports is generally avoided for 6-10 weeks.




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