Neck Pain

What is Neck Pain?

Pain in the neck region(cervical spine) resulting in loss of function or disability due to stiffness, pain, or weakness.

What are the Common Symptoms associated with Neck Pain?

The common complaints associated with neck pain are:

  • Stiffness in the neck, Morning stiffness, Muscle Spasms, Arm Pain/ Shoulder pain, Numbness/ Tingling/ Weakness in arm/ hand
  • Difficulty in passing urine or moon and difficulty in walking.
Neck Pain

What are the Causes of Neck Pain ?

Neck pain is caused by specific spinal conditions like :

  1. Slip Disc / Disc Bulge/ Prolapsed Disc/ Protruded Disc/ Extruded Disc/ Herniated Disc
  2. Spinal Stenosis
  3. Facet arthris/ Rheumatoid Arthris/ Degenerave Arthris/ Ankylosing Spondylis
  4. Spondylosis
  5. Primary Spinal tumours
  6. Spinal Metastatic tumors
  7. Spine Infections
  8. Spine Tuberculosis / Spine TB/ Kochs Spine
  9. Spinal Fracture/ Dislocations
  10. Metabolic causes – Osteomalacia – Vitamin D deficiency; Osteopenia; Osteoporosis

Commonly asked questions about Neck Pain

Can I treat my neck pain with household remedies ?

Most of the neck pain patients shall improve with simple pain management measures. However one should meet a Spine Specialist for spine consultation if your neck pain persists for more than 3 weeks. You must seek immediate attention if you have neck pain with any of the following emergency signs (RED FLAGS)

What are the warning signals that warrant I see a Spine Specialist immediately ?

One should see a Spine Specialist urgently if you have neck pain with any of the following emergency signs (RED FLAGS ):

  1. Pain radiating to arms /shoulders associated with numbness/weakness
  2. Pain getting significantly worse
  3. Pain affects the everyday activity
  4. Associated Fever or constitutional symptoms
  5. Shoulder pain or arm pain and weakness or numbness and night cries
  6. Imbalance of gait with weakness, tingling & numbness
  7. Loss of bowel or bladder control
What are the treatment options for neck pain?

There are different options to treat neck pain depending on the severity and duration of

They may comprise of one or many of the following:

  1. Drugs & Medications
  2. Lifestyle Modifications
  3. Physiotherapy and Exercises for the neck & shoulders
  4. Spinal Bracing
  5. Spinal Injections
  6. Spine Surgery




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